Saturday, November 01, 2008

Veeery loooong earrings

Or: House Monkey makes new cat toys:
I'm on the last square inch or two of the commissioned cuff. And I could not resist playing with the new "cadet blue" beads. These babies must be five inches long...and are surprisingly light.


Patty said...

Gorgeous earrings, Linda! Nice job.

BTW, I have just tagged you in the game of blogger's tag, and details can be found at

Have a great day!

The Lone BeaderĀ® said...

I don't know if I could wear earrings that long, but I love to look at them! :D

Lidia said...

The earrings are wonderful! I love that cadet blue with those shades of orange.

LJ said...

Hi Beadyfolk!
Patty, thanks! And I'll check on that tag.
LB - Sometimes you just have to go way over the top. Or I do. Surprising to me that although most women don't wear really long earrings, those are the ones they always like.
Lidia..Me too the cadet blue and orange! And the "yellow" is actually a fabulous color romantically named "burnt sienna over opaque yellow-orange." Just carries you off on a flight of imagination, doesn't it? :)

beadbabe49 said...

Great earrings and I just love the photo of you and Cat...he looks very, very interested in those cat toys hanging from your ears! It looks like he might have been heading toward them the next second or two after you took the photo, lol!

LJ said...

BB...The first thing he does when I get home is crawl into my lap and bat at my earrings. I've made him a very happy cat.

herhimnbryn said...

Cat-bat earrings!
Your friend looks like he's planning a mission.........

'Ah, she made them for me, for meeeeeeeee, I tell you'

NEDbeads said...

Wonderful blog, Linda, I laughed so hard I hurt myself. Your earrings are fantastic - you mean that style is over the top?? Uh-oh, I wear them that long all the time!

LJ said...

Hi H! Catbat earrings. I think I'll use that if I decide to sell a few long pairs! Cracked me up. And oh, does he love a good dangle earring!He's hysterical...sometimes I catch him peering at my earlobes looking for toys when I'm not wearing any earrings.
Hi N! You are the FIRST person who's ever told me they wear earrings that long. I love a huge earring!

Unknown said...

Ooh! Ohh! oooooh! Can we do an earring swap? Ppppppppppppplllllllleasssssssssseeeeeee???
Pretty please? I too love my earrings on the longer side. And kitty looks like he would have a gay old time playing with them. The look in his eyes says it all! :D