I've been teaching "kitchen table classes" at my home just lately and it's been great fun to work with the same students on more than one project. These women are particularly ambitious - even as beginners, when I wondered if they'd cope with homework, they kept showing up with not one cuff done to the stage we were working - but two.
I find it easier to teach a project if I do one myself for demonstration purposes - and then, of course, like my students, I get hooked and just have to try a design in different colors. This is my excuse for the series of RAW stitch and diamond stitch bracelets going on forever!
The cat (Smoke) and me, have been working very hard on the second bead journal page, as well. He especially likes that there are fringes to chew. His job is to pilfer spools of thread and to make sure that he packs the beads down into my beading cloth by walking back and forth across them. The other day, I stopped him in the midst of trying to pull beading needles out of my beading station with his teeth. His eyes light up every time I sit down in the studio because to him, that's quality time. If he stands on my work, he's nearly at eye-level, and he enjoys being face to face with the house-monkey so that he can assert his position as the boss of me.
I'm waiting now for a shipment from joggles. Still (after a lot of hours) not sure of what I've done with page two...but I'm hopeful. We'll see when my fabric background comes - and I'll post if it's not a disaster.
Cheers. (Note: I've updated the photos so that one series is shown in one shot.)
I can't imagine it being a disaster...maybe not exactly what your were going for...but NOT a disaster!
hell, forgot to say the bracelets are gorgeous!
What a cute kitty face:)
Lovely bracelets! I can't decide which one I like best.
You are sooooooo talented! *waves wildly* Hi Smoke! Hi Fur Face! Take good care of LJ, kitty.
Isn't that just like a cat? I have my pincushion way out of reach. What makes them think pins and needles are good to play with?
Can't wait to see your second page.
Wow! Gorgeous bracelets. :)
I love how you've embellished with Square Stitch strips between the diamonds. Hmmm... Am I responsible for his foray into the good 'ole Double Diamond Stitch? LOL! Should I apologize for setting you on this fabulous route? ;)
Those are fantastic pieces. Are these all yours, or are some your students' pieces. At any rate, WOW!!!! They all look so awesome!
Thanks BB, LB, KD. Freebird - he likes to try to eat beads too. His favorites are size 8s.
Thanks Romi!
Hi Jewels!
Yeah. Strange - I couldn't tell you who got me going on most stitches but it was definitely your work that started me on double diamond.It's a great stitch because the spaces are large enough to do so much with.
The raw stitch bracelets pictured are all my work. It's unfortunate I didn't get photos of class work too - they all got creative with the embellishments and everyone's bracelet looked so different.
I just saw your article in the Bead & Button, Congratulations! The bracelets are goregous and the article is great too! You are such an inspiration!
Thanks Rachel! I think we all inspire each other. Thank goodness for all the similarly afflicted!
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