This page didn't quite live up to my original vision - but I decided that being too precious, too much a perfectionist, was the best formula for eventually discouraging myself enough to give up. So, I'm letting the page stand as it is - some qualities I like, some things I'd do differently next time.
This piece comes at the end of my second (and likely last) Saturn return. As a friend of mine put it, it's like emerging from a long dark tunnel. And I have a sense of things shifting in my life, lining up differently, beginning...
And so I watch and navigate...
Not knowing what your original vision was, I can not comment on that, but I think your new page shows vision and is very beautiful. Did you build up the seed beads on the dress so they stand out more?
Well I think she is incredible.
She seems to be really studying the path before her.
I love it.
After posting my last post to you, I spent time looking over your blog.
Your work is amazing. I just had to add you to my list of blogs to come back to over and over.
Thank you for sharing such beautiful work with the rest of us.
This journal project is bringing very powerful statements from you! I do think the subject looks like she is catching her breath and re-gathering her wits as she studie the sky. Her dress and hair are such nice eye candy ...
As a viewer, I don't see anything wrong with this page. It's lovely and intgriguing. I know as an artist that we always see the parts we would have wanted to be different/better/something else in our own work.
Your work is really wonderful!
Aloha LJ! Just stopped by to see your 2nd page! I think it's great that you're using this to work thru' stuff. I think I'm finding alot of the joy I stuffed for years! And I also love your "regular" art! My gosh, your cuffs are wonderful, and Radiant is just beautiful! Gotta add a link to you...I'm new to blogging, so it's taking me some time! ;) Ciao! CC
This is FABULOUS work. :)
Hi folks!
Nancy - I started out intending to bead a whole 4x4.5 square. And then I realized the figure needed to be a little in relief, so I cut it out and sewed it on the batik backing and then worked some "stars" into the backing.
Sunni - Thanks so much. That's pretty much the idea. A kind of formless expectation. But you know how it is - nothing is ever exactly how you picture it when you work. I'd have cut the big white moon shape in the middle if I did things over - but otherwise, I'm happy with it. (Oh. And I'd have waited to have size 15 beads for the hands!)
Acey - pretty much! It's been a tough slog of a year in many ways and I feel a little like a weight has lifted.
Lois B - exactly. Sometimes I get a piece just as I want it ("Radiant") worked like that. But often, I seem to imagine more than I can pull off. But that's what keeps you thinking, striving...and what is so great about this project. It presents a real challenge to try.
CC - Aloha and welcome to the blogsphere! Glad you like the cuffs -I'm apparently turning into a bracelet freak. Except for the journal, I can't seem to make myself do anything else. And I'm always three ideas behind, too.
LB! Your comment must have come in as I was answering. Thank you so much. I aspire to having your expertise with getting images so perfectly realized - so I'm striving for that but I lack, I think, your patience and perfectionism. Still, your work is always inspiring - and gives me a push to try harder, which is really great and really appreciated.
I love all the depth and dimension! And what a cool idea to use thread to make constellations! Yet another layer of imagery and meaning.
and I especially love the moon against the hair...
That is a lovely piece. I just want to touch the hair. The dress is so nice.
I love it! I especially like her hair and her dress. It's a lovely piece.
Vicki - the constellations were one of those accidents. The thread caught on a couple beads and instead of unhooking it, I started playing with it and liked the idea of constellations being there.
BB, Judi, Christina...My cat wants to chew on the hair. I don't think he gets my imagery.
Once again I'm in awe at your work! I keep staring at your woman and imagining so many wondrous images :o) I especially love the 3D effect! How did you get her hair that way? (I'm new to this beading and blogging...) Thanks for sharing all your art,
Lillian from WA
Hi Lillian. The hair is simple fringe. I sewed lines of rust down in backstitch first (so if the hair moved, the backing wouldn't show. Then I just threaded strands of rust beads and looped around to come up through the bead that was second to the end. It took a fair amount of time to get it looking okay - and like an idiot, I did that part first and had to keep taping it out of the way while I worked.
Thanks for the visit and kind words!
Holy cow! Fantastic. I love the flowers on her dress. And her hair! You do super work!
Thanks for the info LJ :o) It sure doesn't look like "simple fringe" :o) Just beautiful, Lillian
Beautiful and so much detail lj...it's stunning.
Lillian, that's just because I can't draw the process for you.
H - thanks! How is my hermitage coming along?
What a great piece!! I think it's wonderful as is. Art sometimes just evolves in strange yet ultimately meaningful ways. I especially love how you beaded the hair and made the constellations.
Thanks Bejeweled. These journal pieces all surprise me. There is a minimum of planning - just a vague idea and then I wait and see...
Oh, it's gorgeous! I love it!!
E from Hungary
Thank you E!
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