Umm. There are beads, at least some beads. Lately, as three bead work UfOs languish, I'm relearning crochet, just beginning to learn how to crochet with beads, and teaching myself felt making.
Ever get stuck and just need a change? I have the ridiculous feeling at times that I'm being unfaithful to my beads. Or maybe, more realistically, easily a thousand dollars worth of supplies are gathering dust, as I lust over alpaca/silk yarn in colors like "nutmeg" and "lagoon" or haunt the pages of Corriedale and Marino roving. Ohhhh, "Autumn grape leaves!"
Just as I have no time at all - ideas and designs are racing through my mind at warp speed. I've had to practically nail myself to the chair to sit and finish anything... I'm excellent, however, at starting.
I don't know if it's my age or the age - the hyper, shifting, dissembling world in general - but I have such a sense of urgency. So much to learn. So much I want to make, to try...
Anyway, my beads are there (there, there babies, I always come back)...but meanwhile, this is a little shot of what's developed lately.
Hope you are all well and surviving the Christmas season...
I can't help but feel that your sentiments mirror my own Linda. The thousands of dollars worth of beads and findings that are sitting downstairs, as they wait to be stored in their permanent place in my still-under-construction home office, while I let my newfound fiber obsession take over. I too have 're' discovered crochet and knitting, and am now lured by the wondrous sensations of silk, bamboo and alpaca fibers... o_O
I suspect that this simply falls under the category of "We're Makers", and get easily enthused by newness, which tickles our creative matter to no end, until we have to buckle down and make. It's a must for me, the hands have to stay busy or the brain wanders, and Goddess knows, if I let the brain wander, I just might get into trouble... Or bored... LOL!
Keep making Linda, whatever medium you chose, your creations are breathtaking and awe inspiring. Thank you for sharing them all with us.
Hi Jewels...
I agree. "Makers." And for me (and probably you too)a new medium is simply another pathway to the same destination. I find that switching materials gives me a real boost when I'm beginning to spin my beading wheels and it seems like my imagination has gone on vacation.
And I notice that beads keep sneaking into the other mediums too.
Thanks for the lovely comment. And right back at you.
I could write a book called "The So-called Sins of Starting." So-called is the operative phrase here. Why not start? Why finish?
If starting is the creative part, if it energizes us, if it makes us feel good, why not let those be the reasons for doing it? Why not allow ourselves to be drawn to beads one day and Marino roving the next
And if finishing is boring, if its only virtue is building character, than why bother?
One of the happiest, role-model crones I've ever known was SUCH a starter! Of course, she had the money to keep buying supplies (and THAT gave her great pleasure too). She rarely finished anything and would periodically clean out all her UFOs and donate them to her local Thrift Store, therby creating more pleasure for herself (and others) and space to start more projects!
The "Should Finish" docrine is difficult to turn off... yet when people succeed, I see that it's very satisfying!
Thanks for this post!
Glorious lj. I find crochet quite therapeutic!
Robin - we starters (and I feel very safe saying "we" because I think there are many of us)thank you for virtually giving us permission to keep starting - and thus staying excited. What a great comment.
And Herhimnbryn...Did you make those wild socks? I've always wondered. And yep - crochet is very therapeutic and perfect because you can rip a row or five out without any hassle! Who could ask for more?!
I have so been the same way this holiday season. Do I bead or crochet? I have done a frantic mix of both. Now, I just need to learn to bead while crocheting...you've got me with that one. :-)
Hi BBB. Must be seasonal. A crochet virus, you think? As for crocheting with beads, I haven't braved doing it in the round yet, but I was amazed at how logical and instinctive it is to incorporate a bead into a straight crochet stitch.
Right now, I'm doing a collar as a Christmas gift and it's MUCH better than the first effort (above). Onward into another obsession!
Yes LJ I think it is a seasonal virus...along with all the others that are going around right now. Maybe when the holiday madness is over and things are quiet I will get brave and try the beading while crocheting. :-) Thank you for your kind words...they are much appreciated. Hope you post the collar so I can see it and use it as inspiration.
I had some of your same feelings at one time. I've gone from beading to knitting to felting to rughooking, back to beading, to knitting to felting, now I've thrown in sewing too.
I've come to realize that starting and preparing for projects are about 50% of the joy of doing a project. Maybe even a higher precentage than that.
Have a Merry Christmas and enjoy the holidays with your friends.
Fab, me too. And you too.
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