Sunday, January 07, 2007

All Ears

The new shipment of Toho rakus and mattes - or at least some of them. Self-supporting beads with tassels, a pair of layered square stitch earrings - and my favorites of all-time, the god's eye earrings. Click to enlarge.


beadbabe49 said...

wonderful...I especially love the colors in the last pair!

LJ said...

Thanks BB. You know those are the ones I think would sell. UNfortunately, they are a very long time in the making and the pattern makes me cross-eyed. But I'm reluctantly coming to the conclusion that I may have to make them to sell.
Question is - they look like "fun" earrings but they take serious making time.

Unknown said...

Just gorgeous! Now if I could only understand my aversion to making earrings for myself...

LJ said...

Aversion? Oh goodness. They are SO satisfying. Little projects that don't consume weeks on end! But maybe earrings aren't your type of jewelry.
They are mine. I never leave the house without earrings on - and so it's easy to make them.

herhimnbryn said...

Gorgeous lj.
I can't go out without earrings on either. Also, must have my silver bangles on as well.
So, when you gonna start an on line shop then?

LJ said...

H - Very soon for the website and online shop, I hope! I'm about to order the software soon. I'm jazzed, I'll tell yah!

Unknown said...

Wow LJ, the Shields are awesome! Oh, the your God's eye earrings are so lovely. How long are they? Sqare stitch was the very first off-loom stitch I ever did, and I know how long it takes to work up.

Those tassel ones are amazing, LOOOOOOOOOOOOve the ones with the large Sars crystals: YUM! Good work, as per your usual little creative self!

LJ said...

Jewels, hi.
Glad you like the shields. I do too. A person gets tired of doing the same old same old & it was fun to start layering. The god's eye earrings are pretty old (still my favorites though)and they took..ohhhh...a long time. On my monitor, they are about actual size, roughly 4 inches and what really took time was ripping out the mistakes as I went bug-eyed trying to follow the pattern I'd drawn. There were a lot of blotches on the graph & I end up beading in the wrong color and seeing it five rows later.
As to the tassels - I'm hoping to do some production on these. And I'm working on a website!!! Yahoo!

The Lone BeaderĀ® said...

LJ, you have been busy!!! I love those God's eye earrings. So cool. Also, thanks for dropping by!!